Explore how anxiety can show up in your life, work, and relationships
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Are you finding yourself Dead Sea Scrolling on news stories?
These days the news is unprecedentedly grim. There's no getting around it. We've never had a more divisive culture in America. It is tearing apart families and instilling a deep feeling of panic in many, many people.
The Dead Sea Scroll is particularly harmful to mental health at a time like this. That's why I posted this simple message today on Facebook.
In the Beautiful Voyager community, when we find ourselves getting stuck reading the same social media stories or news feeds over and over, we call it "the dead sea scroll."
These days the news is unprecedentedly grim. There's no getting around it. We've never had a more divisive culture in America. It is tearing apart families and instilling a deep feeling of panic in many, many people.
The Dead Sea Scroll is particularly harmful to mental health at a time like this. That's why I posted this simple message today on Facebook.
I urge anyone who wants to escape the DSS to consider giving mediation a try. I use the Headspace app. Here's a little video on kindness from the founder of Headspace.
Whatever you choose to do, be it an experiment like changing your body temperature, listening to a pump-up soundtrack, or snowglobing away bad thoughts or trying meditation techniques, I hope you will try something. Don't stay in the dead sea scroll.
I Don't Usually Post A Single Tweet as a Blog Entry
But after I wrote this one, I realized I needed to share it here, too.
The Overthinker's Emoji
A guide to the most overthinky emoji on Snapchat, Facebook, and the iPhone.
(As if you didn't already know them all.)
I've thought about this so you don't have to.
For when you need to tell someone, "I've been overthinking my way into insomnia."
The easy way to say, "I'd rather stick my head into a sandy pit than think about this for one more minute."
The official emoji of The Beautiful Voyager.
When you want to tell someone that yes, you're an overthinker, but you're soft, fluffy, and pretty chill, too.
Finally! The emoji that allows us to express, "These 3 thought bubbles could be hanging here for a long, long time."
A favorite of the overthinker. Who doesn't want to hide in the pages of a great book? Beware tho, recipients of this emoji. Too much research can cause adverse effects for your overthinking loved one.
An easy way to answer the question, "Whatcha doing?" without having to actually say the words out loud.
The emoji for people who feel like no one gets them exactly. An overthinker's emoji if ever there was one.
This is grinning???? Either way, a safe emoji for overthinkers. We use, and others think we mean grinning, but we know it's actually teeth-clenching while trying to smile cause not think 10 steps ahead of the conversation at hand.
How else are you going to say overthinking detective?
We would never use this. Way too literal.
Do You Feel Weird on Social Media Holidays?
Social media holidays can be strange. Today, for example, everyone’s talking about being or having a mother. Everything gets a little flattened out, especially for people who aren’t sure how to represent complex relationships online.
Social media holidays can be strange. Today, for example, everyone’s talking about being or having a mother.
Everything gets a little flattened out, especially for people who aren’t sure how to represent complex relationships online.
There are those who have lost a mother recently.
Women trying to become mothers.
Or men who grew up without a mom.
How can everyone feel seen within the constraints of the online space?
I think it’s a matter of going back to compassion and gratitude.
Here’s a hug for everyone from the mother we all share.
“Try not to compare because you’re exactly as you should be” — Mother Nature.
A Very Homespun Non-Infographic about Overthinking Social Media
I had a conversation with Daniel Gehant of Copper Insights about how hard it can be to find your way on the voice-only app we both love, Anchor. I described my usual social media cycle: "START--------It hurts! It's embarrassing! OUCH------What am I saying?! I don't like this?! No one likes me!?!--------good feedback, slowly putting ourselves out there----I think I'm getting stronger-------I feel better, and I'm taking risks--------OUCH, backstep-------Nope, I'm definitely taking more risks and feeling better-----------END."
I had a conversation with Daniel Gehant of Copper Insights about how hard it can be to find your way on the voice-only app we both love, Anchor. I described my usual social media cycle: "START--------It hurts! It's embarrassing! OUCH------What am I saying?! I don't like this?! No one likes me!?!--------good feedback, slowly putting ourselves out there----I think I'm getting stronger-------I feel better, and I'm taking risks--------OUCH, backstep-------Nope, I'm definitely taking more risks and feeling better-----------END."
He said, "That would make a nice infographic."
Since I'm not a designer (how many ways can I say that?), my version of an infographic looks like Keynote:
Overthinking Social Media, A Non-Infographic.
I'm sharing it despite its homespun qualities because that's the whole point! Less fear, more exploring. Keep posting, fellow Beautiful Voyagers.