Explore how anxiety can show up in your life, work, and relationships
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Video Interview with Little Panic Author Amanda Stern
Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Amanda Stern, author of Little Panic: Dispatches from an Anxious Life on in a Beautiful Voyager Facebook live chat. It was such a joy to get to find out from Amanda herself, whose book I loved, about how the book came to be, and what it feels like to talk about her panic disorder publically.
Two Gen Xers Share a Facebook Live Chat and Live to Tell The Tale
Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Amanda Stern, author of Little Panic: Dispatches from an Anxious Life on in a Beautiful Voyager Facebook live chat. It was such a joy to get to find out from Amanda herself, whose book I loved, about how the book came to be, and what it feels like to talk about her panic disorder publically. It's a long interview (1 hour!) so I wanted to break down different areas so that you can forward to the area that interests you.
2:20 The interview really begins (the first two minutes are warm up).
4:45 How it feels to be talking about panic disorder in real life.
6:30 Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade's suicides affected this public moment.
8:38 Jenny Slate would play Amanda Stern if there were a movie version of this book.
11:38 How writing is almost like doing EMDR on yourself.
13:49 How the fear of not being educated enough may have held her back.
19:15 Panic disorder wasn't in the vocabulary, therefore people didn't spot it.
14:40 The difference between gut (trust the gut) and the feeling of doom (don't trust it).
28:04 The last panicked experience Amanda had. What happened, and what it felt like.
36:45 Amanda and I both talk about how amazing the book The Worry Cure is.
38:45 My very personal take on why Scott Stossel's book is the result of a stigmatized culture.
45:53 Amanda's next voyage may be: intelligence testing.
50:19 Amanda's advice for parents who may be dealing with anxiety disorders in their children.
54:30 What Amanda and I are worried about right now.
57:13 Amanda is going to be in San Francisco and we are going to meet up. Come see her read from her book and say hello to me too!
Why Good Sleep Cleans Your Brain, And Your Role In Choosing Your Memories
This is a video clip of a talk between me and Aussie startup founders Brett Stone and Tristan Hart. I'm talking about sleep, but if you are a Radiolab lover this may not be new info to you. It's something I always bear in mind, tho.
I spent some time yesterday talking to my two Australian friends Brett Stone and Tristan Hart of The Crucial Team about many things. One of those things was sleep. I'm heavily influenced by what I've learned on science podcasts like Radiolab, so if you're a fan of that show, some of this may sound familiar.
Just remember: don't spend too much of the day thinking about early 90s Morrissey or that breakup you had from around the same era.