Episode 9: Patrice Massicotte, Certified Peer Specialist

Pat G Massicotte anxiety at work

Born and raised in Quebec City (he's French-Canadian), Patrice worked in pharmaceutical marketing in Boston when he experienced the serious mental health challenges that almost took his life. His recovery took him on a new career path and led him to California. He found a government-funded role I didn't even know existed: Certified Peer Specialist in mental health. Just last week, Gov Gavin Newsom passed a bill to bring this program to CA, which Pat and I discuss in this episode. Pat is also a writer, blogger and speaker and is building his own platform called Human Experience: A Peer Perspective On Mental Health. His ultimate goal is to humanize healthcare and break the stigma through voicing the Peer Values and the trauma-informed model. He's also got a great sense of humor and twinkle in his eye...which I greatly appreciate. You will also note that my daughter and dog make an unexpected appearance. The joys of working from home!

This is the full, unedited version of our conversation. To hear the edited podcast, subscribe to the Beautiful Voyager podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.


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