Explore how anxiety can show up in your life, work, and relationships

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Meredith Arthur Meredith Arthur

When the problem isn’t what you think.

I had two very different conversations yesterday. Both of them underscored the same undeniable truth: When we need it most, it’s hard to achieve perspective.

I had two very different conversations yesterday. Both of them underscored the same undeniable truth: When we need it most, it’s hard to achieve perspective.

leonardo da vinci perspective anxiety

The first conversation took place with a fellow Beautiful Voyager. Something was bothering him. He was spinning. I tried advice, but quickly realized it didn’t help.

Why? Because the problem wasn’t whatever he was describing. The problem was that he was in a moment of distorted thinking. What he needed was help regaining perspective.

leonardo da vinci face perspective

The second conversation centered on a difficult career decision faced by one of my oldest and closest friends. She’s been waking up in the night, weighing pros and cons, looking for the right path.

It took a while, but eventually I shifted from information-gathering to intuition and feeling. There was fear in my friend’s voice. Why was it there?

Through conversation, we shifted the perspective from untangling details to untangling fear. Once we saw the fear for what it was, the whole picture got a lot clearer.

leonardo da vinci untangling perspective

The more I work on this project and understand how anxiety and overthinking affect us, the more I’m convinced the root is a loss of perspective.

I’d love us to Leonardo da Vinci this situation together and gather up perspective-winning tips for each other. Anyone who’s felt it knows it’s true: gaining insight in the middle of a distorted perspective shitshow…feels like a work of art.

photo of me

Love, Meredith

p.s. If a tactic springs to mind, share it here!

This post first appeared in the Beautiful Voyager newsletter. Subscribe here.

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