Progress! When It Happens, It Feels So Good.
Building a community for overthinkers from scratch is a formidable challenge. It's in the nature of stress and overthinking to avoid being seen. We don't really want to think about the issues that bother us. And don't even think of bringing up the A word (anxiety).
Tiger's eye was the first BV avatar, pre-star.
When I was first creating the Facebook group, I thought I'd be lucky to get 20 people to join. I remember being nervous on behalf of the first brave souls who liked the page. I wanted them to feel comfortable and safe, which can be a feat when you're starting something new. No one wants to be the first to the party.
That's why this past week has felt like such a massive accomplishment, though the numbers might not seem like it to others in the media or tech worlds. The first in a week of firsts: we hit over 100 likes on the BV Facebook page (Multiply by 10 to grok the magnitude considering the topic). 100 likes! I'm thrilled.
Then I created a very special map which, with the help of a bunch of other beautiful voyagers, has grown into a very cool organic project. There are now over 60 lighthouses on the map, lighting up the place so that other overthinkers know they aren't alone. The naming of lighthouses has turned into something unusual and specific. It makes the site feel like it's ours. That's what I've always wanted.
Look at all of those lights!
And the newsletter has quadrupled in size in that time as well.
I want to take a moment to appreciate how far the Beautiful Voyager has come. I know we still have miles to go, but it's about process, not outcome, right?
I especially want to thank everyone who's helped as a creative early adopter (the people who support ideas before they're fashionable), joined the FB group, or shined their light from their lighthouse. You're the reason I'm doing this in the first place.