Try Signing Up For a Clinical Trial for Migraines and Anxiety Disorders

Have you ever thought of taking part in a clinical trial to help with your chronic pain or anxiety disorder?

Have you ever thought of taking part in a clinical trial to help with your chronic pain or anxiety disorder?

I recently connected with a startup based in London (but with offices in the US), that is doing something really interesting: they source clinical trials from around the world and allow patients like you and me to explore relevant trials on an easy-to-use platform. This is important work for people who have exhausted all traditional options for medication (for example, for migraines), and who would love to contribute to and learn about the latest cutting-edge treatments.

Since this company is always to connect patients with trials, they reached out to me to see if I would share their widget on Since it might help my fellow beautiful voyagers, I said I would be glad to do it!

Use the widget below to explore clinical trials that might be applicable for you.

Comment in the space below with your experience. We would all love to learn from you!


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