The Fidget Cube and 5 Ancient Ways to Goof Around in a Relaxing Way
A Whole New Level of Fidgeting
A lunchtime discussion with my coworkers about the Fidget Cube (which is kicking ass on Kickstarter) and the role of fidgeting in stress & anxiety.
Together we discussed these methods — most of which have been around for centuries — that help with busy hands, busy minds.
Go to the bottom to see more of the Fidget cube in action!
1. Baoding Balls: Here’s what they are. And this video shows some crazy baoding action.
2. Worry Stones: Many different countries have some version of this, according to wikipedia.
3. Dorodango: What are dorodango, you ask? Glad you asked.
4. Worry Beads: They’re a Greek thing. It’s interesting how every photo of a Greek person shows them “doing” the worry beads behind their back. Would like more info on this.
loud method worry beads
Quiet method worry beads
Note: Keep your fidget things in Zen singing bowl. Every time you put something in it, it makes a lovely sound.
My coworker's new fidget cube. He contributed to the Kickstarter, so this is almost like a prototype.
Now that the fidget cube is a real thing being used by real hands, it's interesting to hear feedback about the feelings that the different elements give a fidgeter.
My friend and coworker JB mentioned that he like the "zen stone" side for chilling out, whereas the bright green switch, though great for anxious fidgeting, is a little loud. You can see him in action (along with another coworker, Lucas) in these little videos from Snapchat.
Originally published September 9, 2016 on The Beautiful Voyager Medium publication. Updated April 7, 2017 when my coworker got the Fidget cube and started playing with it!